to VonnieWhitworthArt

"Playing for Joy" Watercolor. 36"x24" $2900

Watercolor. 36"x36" $3500

Watercolor. 24"x36" $2200

"Playing for Joy" Watercolor. 36"x24" $2900
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to view Titles and Info.
Some of the paintings displayed on this site are no longer available,
but are examples of on-going themes and styles
for Vonnie Whitworth.
Please contact the artist with any questions about individual paintings, paintings similar in theme, or to discuss a commission.
Vonnie's Studio
Norfolk Virginia

Vonnie Whitworth has a public studio located in the Ghent section of Norfolk, VA. You can find Vonnie there, on a regular basis, painting at her drawing board and surrounded by many of her recent paintings.
Visit the artist's studio.
400 Olney Road
Suite C
Norfolk VA 23507
Hours: The studio is generally open Tues-Sat 10am-4pm
Contact the Artist to find out her current studio hours.
current & upcoming
See Vonnie's work in these Virginia Juried Exhibitions.
Virginia Artists Juried Exhibition
Vonnie's Solo Show
"Tribute to the Human Spirit"
September 16 - November 11 2023
Opening Reception - 3pm September 23
Charles H. Taylor Art Center
Hampton VA

An Occasion for the Arts
Duke of Gloucester Street
Williamsburg VA
October 7-8
Virginia Beach Boardwalk
Art Show
Oceanfront at Virginia Beach
October 20-22
Virginia Watercolor Society Exhibition
Contemporary Art Center
Opens October 16th
On view through November 1st.